Monday, October 06, 2003

Big fat phooey.

So so so we squeaked it past South Carolina two weeks ago, and our luck ran out last week against Auburn. Like good ol' roly poly Fullmer himself said, "you can't expect to when you let them post 14 on their first two drives." Mighty Casey has struck out . . . but you can't blame him for giving up. That last minute drive to the endzone to tie was awesome! Too bad it was squelched by the most amazing interception I've ever seen. The ball was only 6" off the ground when he dove to catch it! Yowzers! So, I'm at home licking my wounds and trying to recover. The agony.

Ah yes, not to forget the theological link. Think "forgiveness," "hope," and with any luck on next Saturday, "redemption."

An update on the girl in the bathroom. I went back last week and she wasn't there. And I overheard the people I was with talking about how much her presence made them uncomfortable. But it just wasn't the crowd I could talk about it with. It was more like a girly "icky, I can't believe this type of establishment needs someone in the bathroom to intimidate the customers with cheap perfume and stale candy." Dear Lord, forgive us all for not being able to face those in need, and when we do, for not being able to ascertain an appropriate response.

Back to life. If you're wondering why it has been a while since I've posted, my life is crazy. I'm doing a million and one things a day, and I feel frustrated because I don't have time to fulfill all my duties and still be there in a deep, personal way for those who need me. Two more friends are in deep pain this week for different reasons, and I can only marginally be there. Ah, the quandries of ministry. God, please help me get--and keep--my priorities straight.

Enough whining. Maybe I'll post again tomorrow in a more optimistic mood. As always, stay tuned.

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