Sunday, October 19, 2003

A reason to blog again!

So, as you can see, I haven't been posting as regularly as I had intended when I started this experiment.

Last week, I was just about to abandon the whole experiment. My team has eschewed their wheaties for regular doses of suckweed, and the world has been hearing too much about the ominous outlook for my church. Between trying to keep up with school, work, family duties, the puppy, and laundry, I figured the blog was about dead. Why bother?

And then, tonight, I stumbled across Nueva Cantora's Oct. 13 to blog or not to blog. Wow! Blogging itself is like worship! Now this is a whole new take! And it is one that answers some questions for me! I've still been struggling with the parallels between those who participate in the blogging enterprise and the crazy authorial egos in the scholastic publishing industry. Do I have something important to say, or do I just think I have something important to say, and thus am no better than the leagues of individuals putting more drivel out into the world (see Sept. 9th's entry below)? (Good lord, did I just cite myself? That answers your question!) But seriously, the Nueva Cantora take solves this problem for me in some ways. I am exceedingly intrigued by this association between blogging and worship---blogging as participation in a community where we must value each person's role (gifts) and also recognize that some have a gift for leading and facilitating the central activity of that community. I like the parallels, but how far can we push it? Is one of the goals of blogging to reach out to God? That sends me spinning out into the world created in Neil Gaiman's American Gods. Careful that your technology doesn't become your gods! But that's not where Nueva Cantora is going at all, I'd hate to misrepresent. I guess I haven't answered the question for myself. Why blog? And how does blogging affect my relationship with the divine?

Boy, does blogging encourage navel-gazing. Why does that make me feel so uncomfortable?

Hmmmm. Must go and think on it some more... *smirk*

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